Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bei The Fish "Just an Idea!? atto primo" (2011)

When Ray Davies of The Kinks fame was asked if he listens to all those new bands, he replied that he only listens to their third albums. A Band prepares for its first album all its life but only has months to make the second. The third, on the other hand, is crucial in determining whether or not anything substantial can be brought in the long run; a defining moment that can either cement an artist's reputation or, sadly, show that all the good times, ideas and music are gone. Luckily for Bei the Fish, its third release, Just an Idea!?,is a good one.

Synthpop is back, but not in a retro manner that alludes only to the '80s, but filtered by Bei the Fish through a myriad of electronica styles that spans ages and genres. By upgrading and armoring itself with even greater digital precision and the pinprick percussion of new-edge electronica, the band delivers an album that successfully signposts a shift that's obvious, especially when compared to Time to Make Things Right (PMG Recordings, 2009) and the theatre music of Boat for Dolls (PMG Recordings, 2010). There were highlights and ideas, to be sure, but they lacked the broader set of colors and expansive sounds, instead delivering a narrow sound picture.

Retaining the often imaginative sampling and pop sound that characterized the previous two albums, the band introduces a highly atmospheric and textured ambiance. There are sudden, startling sounds, effortlessly compiled using machines and featuring noisy and electronically tingling genre-defying music. Partly an imaginary musical, Just an Idea is full of light, playful, hooky, and danceable numbers about love and life. It succeeds because of Bei the Fish's growth as a songwriting unit. The song-based vibe of the album begins in earnest with the opening "It's Over" and lead single "When I was Young"; from there, the album unfolds in confident and enigmatic combinations, with guest appearances from Foltin vocalist Branko Nikolov, and pop singers Karolina Gocheva and Ola Dioss.

Regardless of what they are singing on top of their architectronics, the band accesses unusual dimensions and irregular angles, its textures sliding across one another. The tracks are constructed with incredible attention to detail with all those minimal beats, synth washes, film music influences, '70s analogue warmth and soft porn-like vocals.

If anything, it proves that Bei the Fish remains capable of absorbing the flood of electronica into pop music with integrity and sophistication. The cohesive stylistic direction that Just an Idea has taken results in it being one of the most memorable electronic releases of the year.

Track Listing: It's Over; When I Was Young; The Dream; Big City-Mixed Up; Called You Once; I'm On My Own; Just a Game; Inter Mission; Dating Game.

Personnel: Ognen Anastasovski: vocal, keyboards, sampler, guitar, programming, electronic drums; Valentina Minovska: vocal; Branislav Nikolov: vocal; Karolina Gocheva:vocal; Ola Dioss: vocal.

Free download @ http://www.beithefish.com/

Bernays Propaganda "Играј Слободно" (2012)

Five years ago, a brand new band with a provocative name of Bernays Propaganda appeared in Skopje, Macedonia. Five years later, Bernays Propaganda have released two great full-length records, Happiness Machines (2009) and My Personal Holiday (2010), did a bunch of European tours and hundreds of shows all over Europe, and consequently gained good recognition and reputation on the European independent music scene. Bernays Propaganda grew in people's hearts with danceable high-energy post-punk, clear socio-political ideas, honest and uncompromising attitude towards music and especially restless touring.

For their fifth anniversary, Bernays Propaganda (in collaboration with Napravi Zaedno and Moonlee Records) have prepared a pleasant surprise and nice gift for all their present and future fans. The Igraj Slobodno! EP is a collection of Bernays Propaganda song remixes and covers, done by the likes of Mark Heaney (Gang of Four), Zea (the singer of The EX), Bei the Fish ft. Ida Lollobrigida, Sethstat, Anomalia Nativa, Fresh (ex-Suns, Bernays Propaganda), Duke B. and Mindless Violence. Igraj Slobodno! EP is a genre-wise pretty diverse compilation, which shows Bernays Propaganda's work in a totally new perspective. Seems that their music can easily transform and convey the message of these Macedonian activists to different audiences, which opens a bunch of new possibilities in the future. Igraj Slobodno! EP is exactly what the name says (Play Freely!) - a manifesto of openness and freedom in music. Igraj Slobodno! EP is destroying the stereotypes regarding rebellious music and proves that important ideas and messages can be effectively conveyed through music regardless of genre. Igraj Slobodno! EP is a download-only release and download is free of charge. Download and play – freely!

download it here: http://moonleerecords.bandcamp.com/album/igraj-slobodno

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Никола Коџабашија & Фолтин feat. Гоце Стевковски "Penelope X" (2011)

There is a motto which says that if you don't know to which port you are sailing then no wind will be favorable. It's the same with collaborations. Following Ovaa Transplantirana Mashina za Chukanje (Self Produced, 2008) the latest installment of the music of Foltin finds the band enjoying the company of good friends. For this journey, it has employed the services of Nikola Kodjabashia, producer, composer and electronic wizard, as well as Goce Stevkovski, a master drummer. The collaboration of these merry men encourages inspired performances from the participants, soul brothers who have set themselves the seemingly impossible task of imprinting their souls on an album.Penelope X is full of charms, where the marriage of musical minds encompasses the best of both of their recent works. Foltin's albums have always had a story and this time it is the journey of Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. The seven songs (and one instrumental) on the album are inspired by episodes from Odysseus' journey home and his encounters with goddesses, mistresses and sirens, but in this story he never makes home but wanders off somewhere else beyond the pillars of Hercules.Rich in extraordinary imagery, the album's tales are spun against beautifully mutated grooves, jazz and trip hop themes. The feel and the focus of the album revolves around the rhythmic understanding between Goce Stevkovski and Foltin, while Kodjabashia's ghostly presence floats over with his sonic textures. The album is full of melodic masterpieces and atypically infectious grooves. Again, Branko Nikolov, the experienced captain of the boat, is navigating his crew through stormy seas with his voice and lyrics.The journey opens with an infectious groove, a gentle stretch of shimmering synths, bells and accordion, all of it driven by Nikolov's joyous voice. In general, Foltin's songs have natural charm and unforced playability, and in that vein, "Kouros" is the perfect opener. "Penelope X" is based on pulsating rhythms that add a distinctly sexy and funky flavor to the song. The whole album builds off these subtle disco touch points, that are expertly woven through the music."To Whom Do You Belong Now" is an old song by Kodjabashia, previously done in collaboration with the art rock band DNO on its debut album, Tishina (Chicken Madness, 2004), on which Stevkovski also played. This version has a different kind of intimacy and sweetness to it. Recurring themes from past projects appear here and there. "To Whom Do You Belong Now" also has a few lines from the song "Lo-Lee Ta Too," while "Cinderella Man" is an interesting amalgamation of "Milice" and "Financial Times." All three tracks come from the album Lo-Lee-Taa-Too (Self produced, 2005). "Cinderella Man" is perhaps the album's most radio-ready track, with its sci-fi allure and sparkling beats."Dawn of the Rose Red Fingers" is an impressive and playful vocal duet between Branko and Rose Betts (featuring little Angelina Kodjabashia), against a backdrop of beats and symphonic melodies. These dreamy, optimistic yet pulsing sounds revive memories of Royksoppe or Husky Rescue with their downtempo electronica influences, without dwelling exclusively on one particular genre. The electronica flavor can be attributed to Kodjabashia, who has an excellent sense of timing and a clarity of production. He is not a button-pushing man of presets but an excellent composer and a trained pianist.Penelope X is full of variety. As always, the group is well aware of its strengths and has built layers of details beneath that can go unnoticed, but when noticed, prove easy to treasure. Any dismay at these new retro-futuristic sounds, and the integration of otherworldly concepts, gives way to recognition of an old painting within a new frame. Penelope X is gripping as a dance record, while its gentle melodies are the embodiment of playfulness which makes this record both so special.

Tracks: Kouros; Penelope X; To Whom Do You Belong Now; Na Na (Sirens); Cinderella Man; True Blue Eyes (Calypso); Dawn Of The Rose Red Fingers; The Pillars Of Hercules.Personnel: Nikola Kodjabashia: keyboards and virtual instruments; Branislav Nikolov:lead vocals, mandolin; Pece Trajkovski—Brada: accordion; Goce Jovanovski: bass; Marjan Stanic: percussions; Pece Nikolovski: clarinet, blues harp; Goce Stevkovski: drums.извор: allaboutjazz.com

Friday, January 6, 2012

Blla Blla Blla... "Lamtumirë" (2011)

За музиката важи дека таа е универзален јазик. Ако нотите се умешно поставени, зборовите пред нив се излишни. Иако Blla Blla Blla пејат на јазик за мене непознат - албанскиот, за среќа, нивната музика ја има таа моќ да ги сруши јазичните бариери и да ме однесе во чудни, за мене непознати, возбудливи светови.
Вовед во нивниот последен албум Lamtumirë е песната Mustafa Kairo, духовит надреален валцер ритам што уште од самиот почеток комплетно хипнотизира. Повторливите тонови предизвикуваат состојба на транс и зашеметеност. Бендот успева да не натера да го исклучиме за миг светот околу нас и да влеземе во нивната приказна, надреална како сон. Kjut i bie ја зголемува брзината и главниот збор го дава на виолината. А таа блеска и ја бои музиката со прекрасни тонови. Заведува и плени. The bla bla повторно ја потсмирува топката. Песната наликува на подлога за раскажување приспивни приказни на мали деца. Како таму некаде, помеѓу звуиците, да се кријат некакви чудни суштества и магични шуми.
Всушност, музиката на целиот албум предизвукува надреални ментални слики.Чудни пејзажи на зајдисонце кои оживуваат под допирот на нотите. Таква е и Lamtumirë, како подвижна слика на оркестрар на брод кој заминува кон хоризонтот, додека екипажот облечен во совршено испеглана униформа мавта од палубата во ритамот на музиката. За среќа, со оваа песна не се збогуваме со албумот. Следи Inkurtulig која одлично се надоврзува на првата со нејзиниот влацер ритам и не одлулкува надвор од оваа чудна и прекрасна приказна, на тој начин умешно заокружувајќи ја приказната.

И додека излгувам од овој сон, влегувам во еден нов, малку поблизок до реалноста. Влегувам во сон во кој младите македонски музичари, наместо да црпат инспирација за нивната музика од истрошените тезга бендови, творат инспирирани од музика налик оваа на Blla Blla Blla. Модерна, прогресивна музика што не познава ни жанровски ни национални граница и припадности. Па не е веројатно до толку неостварливо тоа...

извор: plagij.at

Sethstat "Korab" (2011)

The group is considering a particular area of the music art where the ideas are result of the modern urban living, under strong influence of the traditional music treasure. Usage of folk rhythms, melodies and motives as a background for building the music, instead of copying and rearranging them, make the whole music unique. This allows more freedom in expression and permits influences of many other music forms as well as their mix, preserving in the same time the strong Macedonian character. Instruments from relatively modern origin (trombone, saxophone, trumpet, bass guitar, percussions and synthesizer, piano) gives the music a specific, unique spirit. So far, the group has released five albums: "Seth Makes Sense" (1993), "Within Yourself" (1996), "Sethstat" (2000), "Rolling Garage" (2004) and just released “Korab” (2011).