Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bei The Fish "Time to make things right" [2009]

Уникатниот македонски состав Беј д фиш (Bei the Fish) кон крајот на месец мај ќе го издаде својот нов албум насловен “Time to Make Things Right”. Следбеникот на “Look up” од 2007 година кој требаше да се појави минатата година светлината на денот ја здогледува дури овој месец преку независните издавачи и продукции ПМГ и Круг. За непланираното доцнење бендот своите фанови ги наградува со бонус албум.
“Time to Make Things Right” е првиот двоен албум на Беј д фиш на кој се сместени вкупно 28 (дваесет и осум) комплетно нови композиции снимени во текот на месеците септември и октомври 2008 година во сопственото студио Иго Ист (Ego East). Албумот содржи повеќе музички аспекти. Првиот дел е поп ориентиран со весели и певливи мелодии, но и со значителни елементи на диско од 70ите и 80ите години од минатиот век. Вториот дел претставен преку бонус албумот „Music About All About” e триесетминутно еднократно парче кое музички се движи од Жоао Жилберто [Joao Gilberto] преку Трики и Најн инч неилс [Tricky / Nine Inch Nails] па се до Ер [Air]) и е комплетно нова слика за сите оние што ги познаваат Беј д фиш. Поголемиот дел од текстовите се напишани од страна на Огнен Анастасовски, но како текстописци се јавуваат и Валентина Миновска и Благоја Бошковски-Буцко. Снимањето и миксањето го направи главната алка во бендот Огнен Анастасовски додека пак на мастерингот работеше добропознатиот македонски продуцент Горан Атанасовски - Роботек.
Во текот на првата недела на мај на слободно ќе може да се симне првиот сингл „Livin’ in a Box” којшто ќе го најави новиот двоен албум “Time to Make Things Right”. Обвивката за албумот е веќе во процес на изработка, а на нејзе е посветен младиот дизајнер Горан Костовски - Индог.
Покрај издавањето на албумот бендот подготвува и концертна промоција на истиот некаде во средината на месец јуни. Подготовките за концертот се веќе започнати и се очекува настанот да остави впечаток со својот бински дизајн, светло, перформанс. Но, повеќе детали за самиот настан како и точниот датум за промоцијата нешто подоцна овој месец.
Инаку Беј д фиш од неодамна има и нов член во својот состав. Владимир Настевски внесува нова енергија и нови идеи во бендот свирејќи на електронски тапани. Неговиот прв настап ќе биде токму на промоцијата на албумот “Time to Make Things Right”.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Фолтин "Ова трансплантирана машина за чукање досега не типкала љубовно писмо" (2008)

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Љубојна "Macedonia Fresh" [2008]

Saturday, September 19, 2009
The John "Јас и Ти и Градот Наш" [2009]

Турнеја низ Македонија
Љупа најавува дека наесен ќе тргнат на мини-турнеја низ земјава. Дотогаш тој активно ќе работи на новиот албум на „ПМГ колектив“, како и на музика на филмот „Љубоф е со в“ на Бојан Зафировски, кој би требало да се снима кон крајот на летото. На овој проект работи со Огнен Анастасовски, Сашко Костов и Роботек.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
PMG Колектив "Резонатор" [2007]

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Роботек "Роботек" [2004]

If we talk about authentic, modern macedonian electronic music, we talk about Robotek. He is definitely the one who is most advanced, both in a technical and spiritual use of the machines that create sound. His sound is noticably more developed, deeper and stronger than everything else you can find in Macedonia. His musical development is obvious logical progression, beginning with the obscure Amiga sound experiments circa 1996; early Warp influenced protolectro stuff around 1998; the trip in deep techno and house territory at the turn of the century; and finaly new wave electro madness where his head is just about now.
Афион "Чудни Свати" [2008]

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Lola v Stain "Икона/Мансарда" [1990-1992]

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Архангел "1" [1991]

The SunS "Мојот сон е само мој" [1993]

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Леб и Сол "Live in Macedonia" (DVD) [2006]

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Љубојна "Парите се отепувачка" [2005]
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Вања Лазарова "Ритмистика" [2000]

Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Bernays Propaganda "Happiness Machine" [2009]

Vasko and Dzano played in the cult HC thrashers FxPxOx until last year, and all four of them were or still are active in many other bands (Suns, SmartXBomb, This Home Is Prepared, Demoncrats, Choice of My Own, Backstab Warning, Boombyx, New Police State, Treta smena, If the transition into a more optimistic, dancey and groovy ride is too much of a culture shock to someone, don't forget that the always positive long time punk core underground dance activist Vasko, among other activities, rollicks in the electro-dance PMG Collective, which captivated the Balkanian indie underground with their hit song Manekenki. All of the above mentioned bands are here by chance as Bernays Propaganda are a symbolic combination of them all.
Their edgy lyrics subtly avoid Bernays' school instead of being hypocritical and agitprop-direct. A reverberant female voice enters deep inside the ear and spreads ideas together with the music. The social engagement iz well-founded and positive. Dance and politics. Music and attitude. Fun and struggle. Collectivism and individualism. Bernays Propaganda praise the postulates and attributes which many post punk and new wave revivalists have forgotten.
With their best intentions they mantain the ideas and attitudes of a long line of bands such as Gang Of Four, Slits, Fugazi, Submission Hold, !!!, Gossip, LCD Soundsystem... Their danceable funk doesn't try to escape reality, but also refuses to accept status quo. Bernays Propaganda don't want escapist entertainment – they're utopistically but honestly fighting for a better world.
After a self-released EP and contributions to compilations from Skopje to Moscow, the persuasiveness, self-confidence and positivity of Bernays Propaganda shook the ground beneath Mr. Moonlee's feet. He just couldn't resist temptation, so he made room among his crew and accepted another debutant – no less than the debutant of the year 2009., which hails from the the banana republic of Macedonia.
Bernays Propaganda entered Enterprise studio soon after that and, with the help of Valentino Skenderovski, recorded their long-anticipated debut album (mastered by Carl Saff) named Happiness Machines', which will be out on Moonlee Records in April 2009. The album will also feature a 32-page essay on violence and the human society, written by singer Kristina.
Dance, clap, sing and celebrate civil disobedience, human rights and freedom! Spread the word that the socio-politically motivated crew called Bernays Propaganda have prepared an album you won't be able not to dance to!
And while you're at it, don't forget to use your head!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Д.Н.О. "Тишина" [2004]

Tishina is a very consistent album, with the musicians' excitement and energy easily being felt on such tracks as "Tishina," "Borba," and "Sweet Love." The album opens with a dramatic psychedelic riff "Ogledalo" (Mirror) and is followed by majestic "Ideme Do Kraj." "Tishina" and "Chija Li Si" are beautiful ballads that open ominously with jazzy fringes movingly expressed by Pop-Hristov's smoky recitation. "Jas i Ti" is dynamic tune with an impressive drum and bass riff. All these tracks create aural portraits of love, lust, brokenness, and devotion. Anyway this music successfully avoids some of the cliché that usually follows this type of music (both lyrically and musically) and it gives the listener a pleasant listening experience. I think that there is little more to be said of this album, as the music speaks for itself.
P+C 2004 Chicken Madness
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dedicated for Life "Another Dawn" [2008]

The five members have been influenced by names as At The Gates, Hatebreed, Lamb Of God and The Haunted, but this act only has similarities with these names in the far distance. ‘Another Dawn’ is being characterized by an overall cliché approach: the mixture of death metal, the Swedish influences, hardcore breakdown and similar vocals are all things we have heard many, many, many times before. And although the musical part, despite the straight forward approach, is not that bad at all, it are vocalist Kiril and guitarist/second vocalist Ognen which wring the neck. The unintelligibility and I am certainly used to some, rules. It may add some to the ferocity of the death core, but that what they are spitting out only ensures the standard sound and after a while even gets annoying. Next to the three tracks a video pf ‘Once More’ is on the cd. This song is neither available on this demo or their full length album so why they have made a video of this track just leaves me wonder.
Dedicated For Life is the next band in a (too?) long row of bands which follow the path of a mixture of death and hardcore. The death-blow is the grating of vocalists Kiril and Ognen. There has to change a lot will the dream of this band - being able to make a living out of music - ever come true.
Леб и Сол "Live in Macedonia" [2008]

While the band's music and its influences became increasingly clear, especially as it reflected the styles and genres that were popular during those 20 years, and the band itself became subject to many analyses, it was the special breed of characters forming this band that best explains its evolution and essence. After the band played its last show, on the 18th of December 1995 and well before the 2 CD Anthology was released in 1996 (for its 20th anniversary), its band members had already begun to pursue more or less successful solo careers, showing their different tastes and more importantly, their strong individuality.
That miracles can happen even in our lifetime is the band's decision to celebrate its 30th anniversary by regrouping and setting off on a brief tour throughout the former YU republics. Before the announced tour began, they gave two performances at the antique theatres in Heraklea, Bitola and Ohrid, which were recorded for these releases. Prior to this live release, the band's only live documents were Akusticna Trauma (Acoustic Trauma), an excellent live portrait of the band during its first several years, and the misfortunate Live in New York at CBGB's. But the band was always better known and appreciated as a live act rather than as a record selling act. Leb i Sol made its reputation on location and reached its zenith when in 1992 the group had 4 consecutive sold-out performances at the exclusive Sava Centar in Belgrade.
But throughout those 10 years of retirement the band members remained in excellent shape, leading bands and projects of their own, and for them returning to this material is like McCartney going back revisiting the Beatles catalog. Since the early beginning they were recognized as masters of their instruments with distinct voices, a reputation well deserved as this DVD ably demonstrates.
The DVD also reveals the musicians' unflagging energy and passion, as they drive their music to new, soaring heights while taking the audience right along with them. Drummer Garo Tavitjan is the blood and bones of the music, playing with inhuman energy, variously shading the music with unusual timbres or driving it mad with powerful and complicated rhythms. Actually, he was the one who popularised uneven rhythms, thus making them one of the band's trademarks. Keyboardist Dimushevski provides a rich tapestry of sounds for the band, with solos that often evoke another era. Bassist Bodan Arsovski is the anchor of the band. In his hands, the bass becomes more than a supporting instrument: it's an instrument with a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, grooves and soloings. Stefanovski's precise guitar playing gives the band focus, though along with more than customary restraint he displays plenty of inspired guitar fireworks.
The repertoire is closely following the tracklisting from the Anthology CD, starting from the band's jazz-rock/fusion beginnings with "Aber Dojde Donke, Devetka," and "Kako Ti Drago" to the later and more commercial "Skopje," "Cukni Vo Drvo" and standard pop=rock tunes like "Kao Kakao." But this is a DVD packed with highlights, and Leb i Sol revisits these tracks with the maturity you would expect of them. On some tracks they stick to the basic form; elsewhere they embark on lengthy improvisations.
As a bonus, there is a brief documentary with band member interviews and a new studio track—a cover of a traditional tune "Raspukala Sar Planina". The brand new track easily finds its place among the band's highlights. There is also a double CD released with the same title, and it has a few songs that do not appear on the DVD, thus making it a must have for the Leb i Sol collector.
The DVD is essential viewing for anyone interested in the band. The video and sound quality are both exceptional. With this disc the band proves that it is bigger than the sum of its parts.
P+C 2006 Avalon Produkcija
Veljanov "Porta Macedonia" [2008]
Listening to the intonations of "Nie Mehr" you are taken out of the mundanity you lead as a life and put in a dimly lit café around closing time. The half-time breakbeat drives you on into the darkened recesses of your own subconscious (check out the video for this song to get a better idea of what I'm talking about). "We Can't Turn Back" wrenches at your emotions, it culls the herd. "His Vita" and it's spidery guitar work almost takes on a regal tone of resigned despair. Is it the march of the doomed or the damned he seeks to illuminate?
A lot of what Veljanov aims for he hits magnificently, the death of hope being a primary target. The loss of belief, the well with no end in sight which one tumbles down without end. "Porta Macedonia" may not be everyone's desired cup of tea but to me it's everything he sought to do with Run Run Vanguard filtered through the experiences life and age have sent his way. The man is doing some serious thinking here and so should you.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Влатко Стефановски, Мирослав Тадиќ & Теодосиј Спасов "Трета Мајка" [2004]
Because of its strategic position within the Balkans region, Macedonia represents a real melting pot of various musical and cultural traditions and heritages that has been brewing for centuries. Firstly, there is a strong influence by the Ottoman Empire that had highly developed classical music within the so- called Maqam system i.e. a modal system. Other influences range from Turkish folk music, as well as the travelling gypsy musicians who moved from India to the west picking up every style they came across on their journey, while infusing them with their own sensibility and morphing them into their own musical Esperanto. Another important influence is the Secular Byzantine music, with its intricate tonal structure and rich tradition. All of those strands of influence were weaved through the loom of Macedonian history, which even though full of hardship, tragedy, struggles, produced a musical tradition which is at same time sombre, epical, unrelenting, poignant, yet ultimately life affirming. This is best embodied and echoed in one of its most important features, the odd meters which are prevalent in Macedonian music as the most popular songs are written in seven, nine, eleven and thirteen beats.
Treta Majka finds these two artists working again with traditional Macedonian music and even though with different backgrounds and different approach to guitar playing, it is actually the chemistry that makes their approach to this material unique. The technique of these players is impeccable and their musical sensibilities have been informed by many different styles of playing: classical, flamenco, jazz, rock among others and the music has benefited from that. Compared to Krushevo the ambience is similar, but somewhat less electrifying.
The first track is "Sanoc Sedam Treno" (While I Stayed Up Through the Night, Treno) a plaintive song that opens quietly where we find the two guitars playing with each other not overshadowing or dominating each other. These musicians tend to be "chops-heavy" and virtuosic on their own projects, but here, most of the time the mood is low key as they confidently embrace a simpler, more melodic and atmospheric guitar style, sound and performance.
"Ne si go prodavaj Koljo Ciflikot" (Do Not Sell Your Land, Kolyo) is a popular upbeat folk song that has previously been covered by Vlatko Stefanovski (with his rock Trio). There is a wonderful solo by guest Teodosii Spasov on Bulgarian kaval (wooden flute). Teodosii also plays on several tracks and contrary to what he usually plays (free-folk jazz), he is delivering interesting solos that playfully enrich the music. He also suggested that the duo cover a traditional Turkish tune "Anadolu oyun havasi" that is one of the funkiest (and most surprising) tracks on this record with its catchy melodies and unusual twist and turns.
"Kasapsko Oro" (Butcher's Dance) is a folk dance with an interesting funky melody and the musicians, joined by Teodosii, are really ripping it up by playing flashy solos. "Opa -Iha" is another dance where the music builds slowly to a stormy middle section and then ending peacefully. "Kalesh Angjo" and the closing track "Eleno Mome" are slow ballads that belong to the so-called old town music tradition, a popular urban music from the turn of the 20th century and it shows the variety of traditions and styles present on this album.
This record as well as the previous ones displays the full array and versatility of the performers' craft. These tracks show both the players' ability to blend and to swing soulfully, whether doing a solo, playing in the background or playing in unison. This is rich, sombre, wonderful music being played beautifully by musicians who are pouring their heart into it. What matters here is the union between player and music. This music or its stylistic and performative traits bear some resemblance to the collaboration between McLaughlin and Paco De Lucia, or the music of Ry Cooder, but such comparisons only serve to suggest the level of Stefanovski and Tadic play, as well as the depths of the traditional Macedonian music they so devotedly explore.
P+C 2004 Avalon Produkcija
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
String Forces "Изохронија" [2003]
In this second appearance, offering 13 compositions, String Forces makes step forward, evolutionary, do not remain immune of the infection, which in wide fields, in the years behind, is developing in two directions: revival of the origins and implementation of any compatible electronic sound. Different than some other musical formations, the synthesis and directions of String Forces, speaking for their revivals of the traditional sound, are wide in matter of influences, at the same time making attempt to insert sound fragments that belong at the musical traditions from “the rest of the world”. Electronic sound is also present in this edition, and it is some kind of refreshment that gives completely different look than the expected. The hide sensual motives in composition and often in the text, had the purpose to explain everyday events, offering in the same time identification for the listener, or start from the same experience, with the same conciseness’, but leaving the area immediate.
”Izohronija” is a conceptually different from the first album, not becouse of the instruments, which gives special mark for the acoustic, direction and for the energy, but also becouse of the language. In some sensual way they import their first ideas from six years ago" .
String Forces "String Forces" [1998]
fragment by IVICA DUKOVSKI